Upload a Form

Do you have an insurance form or some other type of paperwork you need completed? Follow the steps below to send us the form. If we need to see you for an appointment to help us complete this, we’ll let you know.

For Patients of Drs:

  • ApSimon
  • Brophy
  • Duong
  • Ngan
  • Swedani
  • Waters

For Forms and Documents: please ensure you have completed all sections that require your information and signatures.

Send them to us by:

1. Fax


2. Mail

Your health Votre Santé

Unit 107-353 Montreal Road,
Ottawa, ON
K1L 6B1

3. Email

Email them to documents@yhvs.ca

This email address is not monitored and we will not respond to any inquiries or questions. If you need to speak with someone or have questions for your Doctor, please book an appointment with them here.

We take the privacy and security of your information very seriously. By sending any information via electronic means, such as email, you are consenting to share this information with the clinic and accept the potential risks, such as: interception or loss of information.

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